Q6 .Read the following passage and answer the questions: Mona is of the millennial generation which uses and familiarizes with communications, media, and digital technologies. All day at work she loves to surf the web, email, chat and connect with her friends through face book and twitter. She would come dressed up in flashy clothes, click selfies and post on the internet all the time. Sometimes she would also call up or video-chat with her friends, sitting in her cubicle. If you check her status on social network, she is always online. Sometimes, during the lunch break she also loves to play online games. People around in the office would constantly get disturbed by the noise of her phone and
laptop. Sometimes they’d even have to walk up to her cubicle and ask her to keep the volume low.
Problem for her arises when one of her Boss gets annoyed with her habits because she often misses the deadline. The reasons she gave when the HR Manager called for an explanation was that no one told her about the company rules related to surfing policies and that she was working on the retail design for a video- gaming company which required her to stay online all day. The HR Manager gives Mona ‘a hard warning’ which she does not take well. She is unsatisfied with the decision and is complaining all the time. She is unable to understand the company’s disposition towards her. She does not realize the importance of workplace etiquettes and professional behaviour.
It cannot be denied that nowadays, practically everyone uses the internet at work, and the rules of what is and isn’t acceptable are harder to police in the workplace. The company never prohibits their employees to surf the internet as long as it has a correlation with their jobs and it is common sense to realize that any other web activity, not related to our jobs, should not be accessed at work.

i) What are the various cubicle etiquette related norms that one should keep in mind? ii) What should one keep in mind when selecting one’s workday wardrobe?
iii) What should you do when your phone rings in the middle of a meeting?
iv) Which of the following does not qualify as necessary to social communication?

panevin33vladik panevin33vladik    1   08.01.2021 00:12    1

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