Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense (conditional):

Plants die if you ... (not water) them.

If I see Tim, I ... (invite) him to the party.

If we all used bicycles, there ... (not be) so much pollution.

If I had known it was your birthday, I ... (buy) you a present.

If she went on a diet, she (lose) 4 kilos.

If she hadn’t been late, she (not/ miss) the train.

Unless you water the flowers regularly, they (not/grow).

II. Match the types of phobias to the descriptions of phobias.

1. arachnophobia

fear of being closed in small spaces


fear of thunder and lightning


fear of the dark


f ear of being out of mobile phone contact


fear of heights


fear of flying

7. acrophobia

fear of sunlight


fearofbeing alone

9. agoraphobia

Fear of washing

10. claustrophobia

dental fear

11. heliophobia

fear of speaking in public


fear of spiders

13. ablutophobia

fear of being in crowded public spaces

Choose the correct answer.

1. ….I have another slice of cake, please?

a) Should b) Must c)May

2. Tim’s story ….. be true – he’s making it up!

a) can’t b) mightn’t c) shouldn’t

3. Not many people ….speak six languages.

a) may b) ought to c) can

4. I really … reply to Samantha’s email.

a) might b) must c) may

5. I know you don’t like Ben, but you…. at least say hello to him.

a) need b) shall c) could

IV. Make sentences with phrasal verb keep.






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