Как правильно написать на : 1) возле дороги есть люди на 1 картинке и нет людей на 2 картинке 2) высокие здания на 1 картинке и низкие на 2 3) есть хороший автобус на 1 картинке а на 2 картинке нет никого 4) вставлены большие хорошие стекла на 1 картинке и плохие маленькие на 2 картинке

yibiuninmk yibiuninmk    3   17.06.2019 17:40    1

Alexa9711 Alexa9711  02.10.2020 03:57
1) There are some people along the road in Picture 1, and there are no people in Picture 2.
2) There is a high building in Picture 1, but there is a low one in Picture 2.
3) There is a nice bus in Picture 1, but there is none in Picture 2.
4) There are good big window panes installed in Picture 1, and there are poor small ones in Picture 2.
Вика5552002 Вика5552002  02.10.2020 03:57
1) near the road there are people on 1 picture and there are no people on the 2nd picture 2) high buildings on 1 picture and low on 2 3) there is a good bus on 1 picture and on the 2nd picture there is nobody 4) big good glasses on 1 picture and bad small on the 2nd picture are inserted
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