Put the verbs in brackets into the correct intinitive form or the -ing form.

1 A: Are you busy … reading… (read)?

B: Yes, but I don't mind … you. What do you want?


A: Do you know the answer to this question?

B. Yes. Look, I'll show you now

(do) it yourself.

2 A: I've decided

(get) a part-time job.

B: Really? What kind of job do you want


A: Well, I really enjoy


after) animals, so I wouldn't mind (work) in a pet shop

3 A: The police caught the man who burgled my

house last month.

B: Really? How did they manage

(catch) him?

A: I don't know, but he admitted

(steal) things in our neighbourhood.

B: Well, I'm happy

(hear) that

the thief was caught

саят17 саят17    3   17.03.2021 04:30    40

mozya0001mozya mozya0001mozya  16.04.2021 04:32



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