Put the verbs in brackets into Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous. Mary (work) in this firm for ten years when she was made redundant. had been worked
had worked
had been working
had working
Put the verbs in brackets into Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous. When he arrived at the port he realised he (forget) my passport.
had been forgotten
had forgotten
had been forgotting
had forgotting
Put the verbs in brackets into Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous. She (study) English for three years when she took the exam.
had been studying
had been studing
had studying
had studied
Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple or Past Continuous. I ... (break) my arm when I ... (ski) in the mountains.
broke, skied
broke, was skiing
was breaking, skied
was breaking, was skiing
Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple or Past Continuous. My sister (to wash) the dishes while I (to sweep) the floor.
washed, sweeped
was washing, was sweeping
washed, was sweeping
was washing, sweeped
Choose the correct variant. Do you think this painting is an original? No, it be. The original is in a museum in Paris
Choose the correct variant. Are you coming to the art museum with us. I I haven't decided yet.
must come
can't come
may come
Choose the correct variant. Is that an oil painting? It be. That artist only worked with oil.
Complete the sentence. I … (live) in Moscow before I … (move) to London.
used to lived, move
used to live, moved
used to live, used to move
lived, moved
Complete the sentence. Jane … (work) in a library, but then she … (get) married.
used to work, used to get
used to work, got
used to worked, got
use to worked, got
Complete the sentence. Why ... you to collect model cars? *
didto use
didto used
Complete the sentence. He to eat meat, but now he eats. *
didn't to use
didn’t use
did used not
didn’t used
Complete the sentence.I know this company, but I work there. *
didn’t used to
didn’t use to
used not to
used to

StrawberryCake StrawberryCake    1   02.12.2020 11:30    2

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