Put the verb in the past perfect simple (had done) or continuous (had been doing)
My legs were aching. We (queue) for hours.
My aunt went to the police, because someone (steal) her mobile phone.
The road was wet and slippery. It (Rain) all day long.
We got to the meeting late because we (have) an accident on the way.
I almost didn't recognize James. He (change) a lot since I last saw him.
Our neighbours were very red. They (sunbathe) for several hours but they (not put on) any sunscreen.
I could see from their grimaces that my friends (argue) .
Pete had a bandage on his arm. He (fall) off his scooter the day before.

Viki1303 Viki1303    1   07.04.2020 16:22    29

12Go12 12Go12  12.10.2020 21:44

had been queuing

had stolen

had been raining

had had

had changed

had sunbathed, hadn't put on

had argued

had fallen

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