Express in one word. to provide someone with something dishonest or illegal behavior by officials to rest and allow yourself to become calm something very bad that causes damage to stimulate somebody to do something say in english using the structure: modal verb could + perfect infinitive она могла бы заболеть. было холодно. он чуть не утонул, но брат его она могла бы выиграть чемпионат, но неожиданно заболела. он мог бы стать спортсменом, но стал учителем. я мог бы поехать в лондон учиться, но остался в астане.

David13211 David13211    3   10.09.2019 13:20    0

Fania2009 Fania2009  07.10.2020 05:31
She might get sick. It was very cold. He almost drowned, but his brother saved him. She could win the championship, but suddenly fell ill. He could become an athlete, but became a teacher. I could go to London, but remained in Astana.
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