Проверти текст на правильность построения предложений. summer will soon begin. this summer i will be able to relax from school. i will have a lot of free time. i'm going to visit many interesting places. we are planning in june to go on tour "ghosts and witches of moscow". this is a very interesting tour. also on vacation i'm going to do a lot of things. i think in the summer i will have lots of fun.

danaj04 danaj04    3   29.07.2019 10:40    1

IMP3R1UM IMP3R1UM  27.09.2020 11:29
Я думаю что 'We are planning to go on tour "..." in June' хороше.
ivanova1987lena ivanova1987lena  27.09.2020 11:29
Нормуль,но главное знать перевод текста ..
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