Правильно ли составлены вопросы? а если нет, исправте,, ошибки) 1.why do britain adopts soft measures against the criminal? 2.sooner or later criminal are bound to re-offend crime, aren't they? 3.what country is notorious for its extremely harsh system of punishment? 4.are streets clean and free from vandalism in singapore? 5.how many crimes a year in singapore?

otchygash2 otchygash2    1   27.08.2019 03:00    1

машабудьтедобр машабудьтедобр  09.08.2020 23:25

1.Why do Britain adopts soft measures against the criminal?

Why does Britain adopt soft measures against criminals?

2.Sooner or later criminal are bound to re-offend crime, aren't they?

Sooner or later criminals are bound to re-offend, aren't they?

3.What country is notorious for its extremely harsh system of punishment?


4.Are streets clean and free from vandalism in Singapore?


5.How many crimes a year in singapore?

How many crimes are committed in Singapore every year?


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