Поставьте глагол to be в правильную форму 1 (to be ) mad because they (to be) late. 2 they (not/to be) ableto come to us as they (to be) too busy at work. 3 the bags (to be) too heavy to carry. 4 it ( to be) warm enugh to stay outside without a coat. 5 i called kate bus she (not/to be) at her working place. 6 (to be) the dinner tasty? 7 when she called , i (to be) at the bathroom

AliceGo2018 AliceGo2018    1   06.08.2019 11:30    2

olegyagubov01 olegyagubov01  04.10.2020 00:58
1 (I was ) mad because they (were) late.
2 they (were not) able to come to us as they (were) too busy at work.
3 the bags (were) too heavy to carry.
4 it (was) warm enough to stay outside without a coat.
5 i called kate but she (was not) at her working place.
6 (Was) the dinner tasty?
7 when she called , i (was) at the bathroom
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