Поставьте артикли a/an или the, где необходимо. yesterday i bought … pair of … shoes. unfortunately … shoes are too tight. we had … dinner in … restaurant … last night. – what is … name of … restaurant? tony has two children: … boy and … girl. they are … twins. … girl is in … france now. would you like another piece of … cake? – no, … cake is too fat for me. his office is on … floor 5. and i live on … tenth floor. little mike leaves for … school very early because … school is quite far from … his home. lara saw … letter under … door. she read … letter and started crying. did you enjoy … food at … party … last friday? roger is … scientist, he works for … government. we go to … gym twice … week.

yuliatimofeewap08u9q yuliatimofeewap08u9q    3   23.08.2019 18:40    24

RTF1111 RTF1111  05.10.2020 15:06
Yesterday I bought A pair of --- shoes. Unfortunately THE shoes are too tight. 
We had --- dinner in A restaurant last night. – What is THE name of THE restaurant? 
Tony has two children: A boy and A girl. They are twins. THE girl is in France now. 
Would you like another piece of cake? – No, THE cake is too fat for me. 
His office is on Floor 5. And I live on THE tenth floor. 
Little Mike leaves for ---school very early because THE school is quite far from his home. 
Lara saw A letter under THE door. She read THE letter and started crying. 
Did you enjoy THE food at THE party --- last Friday? 
Roger is A scientist, he works for THE government. 
We go to THE  gym twice A week. 
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