Possessive adjectives/
* circle the correct possessive
1 this handbag belongs to my mother. it's his
(her/ your handbag. it's her/hers.
2 this t-shirt belongs to me. it's my / your
her t-shirt. it's l / mine.
3 these trainers belong to my brother. they're
them / their / his trainers. they are his/he
4 that scarf belongs to my grandfather. it's
his / him / its.
5 that digital camera belongs to aidar and
kanat. it's his / ours / theirs.
6 those video games belong to damir and
me. they're their / ours / my.
7 these books belong to you. they're our /
your / their books.
8 this helmet belongs to gulnaz. it's my
hers / your​

iragabets73 iragabets73    1   09.10.2019 07:06    43

algriskova06 algriskova06  17.08.2020 10:48


1.her,hers.2.lt's my. I.3 his, his. Ещё не всё

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