Please, write short funny stories in your life

lolik95 lolik95    1   31.05.2019 13:10    1

bondarenkoadeli bondarenkoadeli  01.07.2020 23:15
Если перевод,то вот писать короткие смешные истории в вашей жизни.Истории вот:This story claims to authenticity, and told one girl :"Once I took off for the summer half of the house in the village. And I was dog " noble " blood, simply put, a mongrel - Bobby . He was very curious and restless . And on a nearby half owners lived at home, and they had a favorite - rabbit Kesha some rare breed , white and fluffy . it cost $ 300. Neighbours it doted , fed in a special way , combed ... Cage rabbit standing in the garden, and there is often spun Bobby - the countries studiedbeast.
Then one day I was sitting on the porch , and suddenly I see - my dog runs - all in the dirt in the ground - and drags in the teeth of the very doroguschego rabbit -dead , of course, and grimy . Well everyone , I think, will go nuts ! Got the same to Keshka ! Immediately reminded of 300 bucks - where I 'll take that kind of money ...
Then I had the idea : robbed rabbit , dog and punished became unhappy Keshka wash shampoo. Then dry it with hairdryer, combed ,and - softly - softly - made ​​her way to the neighbor's territory. Planted rabbit in his cage , trying to give him a natural position ,and shoved him in the likelihood teeth carrot. Then quickly went back to her and sit - waiting to see what will happen next. Hour passes , two, three ...
Suddenly - a knock at the door.Open - standing in the doorway neighbor - white as chalk, square eyes ... Well , I think it started! A neighbor says :- Masha , can you imagine - our Kesha died yesterday , we buried him in the garden ...And now I see - he sits in his cage and , as if nothing had happened, eating a carrot ... Masha , you have validol ... "
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