Пишите например (1() - 3(ответ)) я пойму 1. the belarusian state university in october, 1921.1) is founded3) was founded2) founded4) has been founded2. the pre-war education and material base of the bsu by the end ofthe 1950s.1) had been restored3) has been restored2) was restored4) is restored3. a new university building in the centre of the city.1) is being constructed3) has being constructed2) constructed4) have constructed4. highly qualified specialists at numerous departments and facultiesof the university.1) having been trained3) have trained2) to be trained4) are trained5. many students find it hard to do all the study that has to 1) been done3) be done2) do -4) is done6. none of the goals in education quickly or easily.1) to be achieved3) have achieved2) has been achieved4) will be achieved7. much discussion now about quality of education and its influenceon life quality.1) is held3) is being held2) is being hold4) was held8. a system of centralized testing in order to ensure national uni-formity in applicants' achievement evaluation,1) had been introducing3) has being introduced2) was introduced4) introduced9. much about standard assessment tests which have been recentlyintroduced.1) were written3) has been written2) had been written4) to be written10. new state standards into the belarusian educational system in 2003.1) were being implemented3) were implemented2) had been implemented 4) implemented​

20jeka 20jeka    2   27.04.2019 08:51    1

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