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Exercise 1.Render the sentences paying attention to the functions of the infinitives
1. It was impossible to explain what happened.
2. I intended to use the opportunity, as it was too good to be missed.
3. It was getting too hot to work, and we decided to take a short break.
4. He came into the room to shut the windows.
5. The Hermitage is too big to be seen in one day.
6. Do you want me to read the book aloud?
7. There is nothing to worry about. 8. We need a place to live in.
9. Jack decided to take a holiday from his work for a day.
10. She knows English well enough to read Shakespeare in the original.
11. He looked at the shelves of books to be read and understood. 12. The only way was to transport the injured by helicopter.
13. Can anything be done to prevent such accidents? 14. We should give him some work to do.
15. The suitcase was full, but there were still many things to be packed.
Exercise 2. Change the structure of the sentences according to the model.
A. It's difficult to explain this problem. - This problem is dificult to explain.
1. It is rather hard to read his handwriting
2. It's very pleasant to listen to him. 3. It was easy to answer this question.
4. It's hard to polish a diamond.
5. It is rather charming to stay at the house, but it will be inconvenient to live in it. B. She is pleasant to look at.= It's pleasant to look at her.
1. The rule is easy to remember.
2. The reason of his success is easy to understand.
3. To watch this scene was amusing.
4. My Grandfather's armchair was very comfortable to sit in.
5. His stories are always funny to listen to. Exercise 3. Complete the sentences with logical endings (инфинитив=подлежащее)
1. The poem is short. It's easy to.
2. She is a kind person. She is pleasant to.
3. Bert is stubbom. He is difficult to ...
4. The text contains many technical terms. It's hard to ..
5. The flat has all conveniences. It's comfortable to ..
6. He is always at work. It's impossible to ...
Exercise 4. Complete the senteces asing the infinitives
1. My hobby is ..
2. Write down this rule.
3. The night was too dark.
4. The next thing to be done is
5 .. was the only thing to do.
6. After classes we stayed at the university ..
7 was impossible.
8. We must hurry so as not ...
9. The weather is warm enough ...
10. In the kindergarten children are taught ..
11 ... you must work hard.
12. We all promised.
13. .. is the usual thing for my sister.
14.1 was too surprised ...
15. You don't know this person well enough...

andreewnamap0c5nx andreewnamap0c5nx    2   18.02.2020 10:07    72

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