Перевести текст с на . baby elephant is very glad, and he says: i like my new stockings very much, and i thank you, but- dear daddy, buy me new shoes for my new stockings. and daddy elephant laughs and say l duy you new shoes.they come to mrs tiger s shop."good morning,mrs tiger,says daddy elephant."good morning, daddy elephant! " says mrs tiger."have you some shoes for my little baby elephant? i want to buy him new shoes," say daddy elephant." all the shoes we have are too small for your baby elephant.but wait a little,and my little tigers will make him some nice shoes." the little tigers make new nice red shoes for baby eiephant.then daddy elephant pays for the shoes and puts them on baby elephant. baby elephant is very glad, and he says: "l like my new shoes very much, and l thank you, bit - dear daddy,buy me a new hat too.