Переведите в пасивную залог (речь): 1. “I can speak Japanese,” he said. 2. “India is in the South of Asia,” the pupil answered. 3. “Does he come from South Ameri ca?” John asked. 4. “Have you come from Bulgaria?” I asked him. 5. Besides, he is a good sportsman. 6. To tell you the truth, I dislike him. 7. As far as I know, she is married. 8. The students, of course, knew the professor. 9. As a rule, I am free in the evening.​

100dan100 100dan100    2   09.03.2021 06:52    16

aktotyaubekerozp0uz aktotyaubekerozp0uz  18.01.2024 18:56
1. "I can speak Japanese," he said.
Answer: "Japanese can be spoken by him," he said.
Explanation: In the passive voice, the object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence, and the verb is changed to its passive form. Additionally, the agent (person performing the action) is introduced using "by" in the passive sentence.

2. "India is in the South of Asia," the pupil answered.
Answer: "It was answered by the pupil that India is in the South of Asia."
Explanation: In the passive voice, the subject of the active sentence becomes the agent in the passive sentence, and the verb is changed to its passive form. The word order is also rearranged to form a clear statement in the passive voice.

3. "Does he come from South America?" John asked.
Answer: "Was it asked by John if he comes from South America?"
Explanation: In the passive voice, the subject of the active sentence becomes the agent in the passive sentence, and the verb is changed to its passive form. Interrogative sentences in the passive voice sometimes require rearranging the sentence structure to make it grammatically correct.

4. "Have you come from Bulgaria?" I asked him.
Answer: "Was it asked by me if he has come from Bulgaria?"
Explanation: Similar to the previous question, this sentence also requires rearranging of the sentence structure to form a grammatically correct question in the passive voice.

5. Besides, he is a good sportsman.
Answer: Moreover, he is a good sportsman.
Explanation: There is no passive transformation for this sentence as it does not contain an active verb that can be transformed into a passive form. Instead, "besides" is replaced with "moreover" to express the same idea.

6. To tell you the truth, I dislike him.
Answer: To tell you the truth, he is disliked by me.
Explanation: In the passive voice, the object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence, and the verb is changed to its passive form. Additionally, the agent (person performing the action) is introduced using "by" in the passive sentence.

7. As far as I know, she is married.
Answer: As far as I know, she is said to be married.
Explanation: In the passive voice, the subject of the active sentence becomes the agent in the passive sentence, and the verb is changed to its passive form. In this case, the verb "is" is transformed to "is said to be" to maintain the same meaning.

8. The students, of course, knew the professor.
Answer: The professor, of course, was known by the students.
Explanation: In the passive voice, the object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence, and the verb is changed to its passive form. Additionally, the agent (person performing the action) is introduced using "by" in the passive sentence.

9. As a rule, I am free in the evening.
Answer: As a rule, it is known that I am free in the evening.
Explanation: In the passive voice, the subject of the active sentence becomes the agent in the passive sentence, and the verb is changed to its passive form. Additionally, the sentence is rephrased to maintain the same meaning in the passive voice.
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