Переведите на : 1. в году я изучала язык. 2.я вчера разговаривал с ним весь вечер. 3. он закончил работу, прежде чем уйти домой. 4. мы гуляли какое-о время, когда вдруг мы поняли ,что заблудились. 5. в 6 часов вчера о вышел из дома и отправился в магазин, где купил батон хлеба ,сметану, муку,спелые фрукты и травяной чай 6. после того, как лора прочитала доклад ,она заварила чай и позвонила своей тете. 7. едва он успел забежать в дом, как на улице послышались голоса. 8. он понял,что никогда не слышал такой красивой музыки раньше. 9. они немного поговорили по пути домой. 10. на занятии они читали текст, повторяли новые слова и переводили статью.

dzhmulin dzhmulin    2   07.07.2019 22:40    0

egorshlyahov12p0dhm9 egorshlyahov12p0dhm9  31.07.2020 01:17
Last year, I learned German.
Yesterday I was talking to him all the evening.
He finished the job before he left home.
We walked for a while, when suddenly we realized that we were lost.
At 6 pm he left the house and went to the store, where he bought a loaf of bread, sour cream, flour, ripe fruit and herbal tea
After Laura has read the report, she made the tea, and called her aunt.
He realized that he had never heard such beautiful music before.
They talked a little along the way to home.
At lesson , they read the text, repeated the new words and translated article.
мадина3031 мадина3031  31.07.2020 01:17
1.. Last year I studied the German language.
2.Yesterday I was talking to him the whole evening.
3. He finished the job before you leave home.
4. We walked some time, when suddenly we realized that he was lost.
5. In about 6 hours yesterday, left the house and went to the store where I bought a loaf of bread ,sour cream, flour,ripe fruits and herbal tea
6. After Laura read the report ,she made tea and called my aunt.
7. He had scarcely had time to run into the house, the street he heard the voices. 
8. He realized that he had never heard such beautiful music before.
9. They talked a little on the way home.
10. In class they read the text, repeated the new words and translate the article.
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