Перепишите данные предложения в косвенную речь: 1) Mary said, "Please, buy tickets in advance!" - Mary asked me 2) Tom said, "Don't worry about the trip." - Tom asked us 3) My mother said, "Don't drive me crazy!" - Mother asked me 4) He said, "Send me the ticket without delay, please." - He asked me

Lililililililiza Lililililililiza    1   05.05.2020 23:25    3

jimmy223 jimmy223  14.10.2020 07:53

ответ:1 Mary asked me to buy tickets in advance.

2 Tom asked us not to worry about the trip.

3 Mother asked me not to drive crazy.

4 He asked me to send ticket without delay.


умнаяпсина1 умнаяпсина1  14.10.2020 07:53

1)Mary asked me to buy tickets in advance

2)Tom asked us not to worry about the trip

3)Mother asked me not to drive her crazy

4)He asked me to send him the ticket without delay

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