5 Choose the correct words. 1 They told she/her not to leave.
2 I asked her don't/ not to tell anyone.
3 The teacher said / asked us to be quiet.
4 We asked her give us / not to give us any homework.
5 My dad asked we / us to clean the car.
6 The police officer told the cyclist wear/to wear a helmet. ​

chastener40 chastener40    3   30.11.2020 06:58    4

CANDISS1 CANDISS1  30.12.2020 07:11

1. she

2. not

3. asked

4. give us

5. us

6. to wear


всё правильно

5 Choose the correct words. 1 They told she/her not to leave.2 I asked her don't/ not to tell anyone
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