Part 1. choose the correct item. 1. the questions in class. a) are tra n sla ted c) tra n sla ted b) have tra n sla ted 2. the kitchen is every day. a) cleans b) cleaning c) cleaned 4. she usually her grandmother a fte r classes. a) is helping b) helps c) used to help 5. yesterday we fish and chips for lunch, a) used to have b) have c) had 6. the pupils had holidays in ju n e , ? a) d id n ’t they c) had they b) h ad n ’t they 7. they go to the th e a tre five times year, a) a b) an c) the 8. once i saw a c a t liked jam. a) who b) what c) which 9. i d id n ’t take . a) something b) an y th in g c) nothing 10. my b ro th e r used to a t 6 o ’clock. a) get up b) gets up c) g e ttin g up

aigulkordai aigulkordai    1   17.08.2019 11:10    2

irinamyn1 irinamyn1  05.10.2020 00:37
1. А
2. С
4. В
5. С
6. А
7. А