Отрицательные приложения 1.THEy play footbal
2.I read a book
3.We write littes
4.You go to shool
5.They get up at nine o'clock in the morning
6.They have interesting books​

cghjy6655 cghjy6655    2   28.04.2021 13:18    0

Ехепхеп Ехепхеп  28.04.2021 13:20

1. they dont play football

2. i dont read book

3. we don't write

4. you dont go to school

5. they dont get up at nine oclock

6. thet dont have interesting books


смотря в каком времени если в паст симпле то

they didnt play

i didnt read

we didnt write

you didnt go

they didnt get up

they didnt have

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