Очень ! Use the Present, Past or Future Indefinite instead of the infini tives in brackets. Use the Passive Voice where necessary:
12.She always (to smile) when she (to talk) to him? 13. Mother
(to say) Aunt Julia (to leave) on Thursday and Ann (to leave) with her. 14. Appetite (to come) with eating. 15. My sister (to practise) the piano; she usually (to practise) it about this time.
16.I (to hear) his voice in the next room. 17. What you (to listen) to? — I (to listen) to music. 18. She often (to come) to see you? — Not so often, she (to be) a student now and (to be) very busy. 19. Who else (to go) with you to Bulgaria? 20. When he (to go) to Bulgaria he always (to take) some presents to his Bul garian friends.

petrovaanastasia26 petrovaanastasia26    3   02.12.2021 17:28    2

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