Обведите правильный вариант ответа.

1)l (is / am )going to the theatre this week.
2)(we're staying/we're stay) with our grandparents at the moment.
3)peter is (talk/ talking) about the film.
4)look! in this photo,( it's / it) snowing!
5)(are you / you are) going to the cinema?
6)my parents (aren't / isn't) working today.
7)(you're not / you're aren't) listening to me!
8)(eva is / is eva) sleeping right now?
! )​

1AnGor1 1AnGor1    3   08.10.2019 20:48    5

Кея1563 Кея1563  10.10.2020 05:14

1 am

2 we're staying

3 talking

4 it's

5 Are you

6 aren't

7 You're not

8 Is Eva


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