нужно She a letter at the moment. A) writes B) has written C) was writing D) is writing
I have never Paris.
A) gone to B) been to C) been in D) went to
Listen! Someone at the door.
A) is knocking B) knock C) knocking D) knocks
4. If we find the tent, we camping.
A) went B) will go C) are going D) would go
5. I’ll help him if he .
A) ask B) asked C) asks D) will ask
6. Today weather is very hot.
A) a B) an C) the D) –
7. I’ll stay home if it .
A) rained B) rains C) will rain D) won’t rain
8. you students?
A) Do B) Are C) Am D) Is
9. Bill is looking his keys but he can’t find them.
A) to B) at C) for D) in
10. He to school every day.
A) goes B) go C) to go D) is going
11. We TV at the moment.
A) isn’t watching B) don’t watch C) aren’t watching D) watches
12. You your keys last week.
A) lose B) lost C) losed D) loses
13. he __ rice every day?
A) Does, eat B) Do ,eat C) Does , eats D) Is, eating
14. He his exercises when I entered the room.
A) have written B) writes C) was writing D) wrote
15. I a book yesterday.
A) have read B) reads C) read D) readed
16. ___ you ___ tennis this Sunday?
A) Are, playing B) Does , play C) Is, playing D) Do, play
17. They ___ to a restaurant every Saturday.
A) goes B) go C) is going D) are go
18. Last year I Paris.
A) visit B) have visited C) visits D) visited
19. If I went on the school trip, I rock climbing.
A) would try B) tried C) would tried D) try
20. If you that window , Mr. Simms would be furious.
A) would break B) break C) broke D) broken
21. is a sport where you slide over frozen water wearing special boots.
A) mountain biking B) ice skating C) caving D) rock climbing
22. I’ve this film three times.
A) see B) saw C) seen D) sees
23. What ___ she in the evenings? She usually cards or TV.
A) does, do, plays, watches B) do, do, play, watches
C) does, does, plays, watches D) does, do, plays, watch
24. The last train ___ the station at 11.30.
A) leave B) will leave C) leaves D) are leaving
25. He usually___ so quickly that I him.
A) speak, don’t understand B) speaks, don’t understands
C) speaks, don’t understand D) speaks, doesn’t understand
26. He ___ TV when the phone rang.
A) was watching B) were watching C) watching D) watch
27. Where ___ you at one o’clock this morning?
A) were B) was C) be D) to be
28. Fred is than Pat.
A) tall B) taller C) the tallest D) most tallest
29. My brother and sister TV now.
A) is watching B) watching C) are watching D) watch
30. I jeans to school yesterday.
A) wear B) wears C) wore D) am wearing

Nadiya75 Nadiya75    1   28.10.2020 11:15    0

dinbili3 dinbili3  27.11.2020 11:16


1.d, 2c, 3a. 4b, 5c, 6c, 7b, 8b, 9c, 10a, 11c, 12b, 13a, 14c, 15c, 16a, 17b, 18d, 19a, 20c, 21b, 22c, 23a, 24b, 25c, 26a, 27a, 28b, 29c, 30c

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