Найдите в тексте эквиваленты русских словосочетаний и выпишите их: Engineering Ethics

Engineers are expected to abide bу codes of performance that will bе bеneficial to society. From this the public gains аn understanding of what they mау expect from the profession. Engineers tend to take the matter of ethics very seriously, and several of the engineering groups and societies have published codes of ethics. Most of these documents are concerned with fairness in dealings with the public and with other engineers, but they also accentu¬ate honesty and public responsibility.
It is taken for granted that по engineer would undertake а project and willfully neglect aspects that could lead to disaster, such as the collapse of а dam in bridge or the failure of an aircraft. Yet, such failures have occurred, either through lack of scientific knowledge or thе inаdеquatе formulatiоn of design criteria. Some too have occurred simply because of errors or lack of understanding. Engineers should bе professionally prepared to do everything in their power to avoid failure, particularly where lives mау he threatened. It mау bе necessary to halt а project while additional information is obtained if in that way, unpopular as it might bе аll the time, safety саn bе further assured.
The pursuit of excellence in performance from the engineer's products is an easily understood goal. Somewhat broader ramifications are involved to ensure the advancement of human welfare. With the size of modern-day technological enterprises it becomes imperative that the various choices that are open in dealing with а new project bе very carefully studied in the search for the best solution. The time and investment are great, and а large project rapidly develops а momentum which becomes more and more difficult to redirect. Wasted or misdirected effort оп а large scale сап cause irreparable dam¬age to the environment and to соmmunities. Not only this, but the engineer harms himself in encouraging а line of development if he suspects that the end result will not warrant the expenditure of time and resources, and particularly so if а negative result is likely.

Привести к катастрофе;
приниматься за проект;
кодекс этики;
достижение отличного качества;
разрушение дамбы/плотины;
в поисках лучшего решения;
развить скорость движения;
в больших масштабах;
причинить вред себе;
затраты времени и ресурсов;
избежать аварии;
связан со справедливостью;
отсутствие понимания;
нанести непоправимый вред окружающей среде;
благосостояние человека;
неадекватная формулировка критериев дизайна;
отрицательный результат;
получить дополнительную информацию;
напрасно затраченные усилия;
крушение самолета;
случиться из-за ошибки;
вопрос этики;
ответственность перед общественностью;
приостановить проект;
обеспечивать безопасность;
конечный результат;
обеспечить качество услуг

Akureyri Akureyri    1   29.04.2021 21:06    4

Tapty Tapty  29.04.2021 22:00


Wasted or misdirected effort оп а large scale сап cause irreparable dam¬age to the environment and to communities. Not only this, but the engineer harms himself in encouraging а line of development if he suspects that the end result will not warrant the expenditure of time and resources, and particularly so if а negative result is likely.


DPAKOSHKA DPAKOSHKA  29.04.2021 22:00


Найдите в тексте эквиваленты русских словосочетаний и выпишите их: Engineering EthicsEngineers are e
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