Нашёл вот такое письмецо в сети. буду краток, найдите грамматические ошибки, если они есть. само письмо: dear william, thank you for your letter. it was nice to get a reply from you so soon. you asked me to tell you how i help my parents. well, i can say that i often help my parents. by the way, like my friends. as far as i know, everybody tries help their parents. and who will help them, if not their children? as a rule, i am help in the garden. i dig the ground, do irrigation of vegetables, gather berries. as for the house, we have a separation of duties. mom cookes the food and washes clothes, dad takes out the garbage and repairs things around the house, and i wash the dishes and particular about cleanliness of rooms. well, i must finish now. it’s already 11 o’clock. with best regards, maxim

Даня100000000 Даня100000000    2   06.06.2019 08:50    1

Софи1138 Софи1138  01.10.2020 20:28
Пишется по английски не maxim a maksim
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