"напишите свою об алисе в стране чудес! " я не знаю про что писать! подскажите!

raku13 raku13    2   01.09.2019 19:20    0

Once upon a time there was a little pretty girl in the forest.Her name was Alice and she was clever and kind.She lived in a little house next to the mountain.And every day she listened a scary strange voice behind that mountain.
One day she took a small bag with a few things:a book with her favourite stories,a ring of her mother and a pen.She decided to find out what is happening behind the mountain.
Her adventure was long.But she used all the things in her bag.She gave her book to a little hamster when he started to cry,she helped a small girl with her ring.At the and of her exciting trip she gave her pen to a dragon behind the mountain.He shouted because he didnt have a pencil to write a letter for his mother.
Thats how little clever girl investigated this mystery events:)
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