название: The cheetah- a large cat native to Africa. It is the fastest land animal.
как он выглядит: The cheetah has a small rounded head, a deep chest, long thin legs and a long tail.
цвет: The coat is usually creamy white with a little bit of yellow. The chin, throat and parts of the legs and the belly are white. The rest of the body is covered with 2,000 black spots. That's a lot of spots!
CHEETAH (гепард)
название: The cheetah- a large cat native to Africa. It is the fastest land animal.
как он выглядит: The cheetah has a small rounded head, a deep chest, long thin legs and a long tail.
цвет: The coat is usually creamy white with a little bit of yellow. The chin, throat and parts of the legs and the belly are white. The rest of the body is covered with 2,000 black spots. That's a lot of spots!