Составить на письмо с отдыха подруге 10-11 !

pomoshvdorogep0arzo pomoshvdorogep0arzo    1   20.07.2019 21:10    1

jiminlave449 jiminlave449  07.08.2020 11:04
Hi, dear! How did you spend your holidays? Where did you go? What about me - I've just returned from Egypt. At last I saw camels. Those huge animals carry people like they carry nothing. So many new emotions I had! I spent there fifteen days, but it wasn't enough to see everything I wanted to see. I've been swimming in the sea most of the time, the rest of the time I've spent with sand all around me. Everything was wonderful.. There are so many things I want to tell you about, but I hope next time we will spend our holidays together and I'd like to spend our next one in Egypt. I've brought some souvenirs for you and I hope you'll like them. Getting them you'll feel the soul of Egypt, the breath of the ancient places that I've visited. You'll see the pyramids in your imagination... I'm under the impression and you may think I've lost my mind, but believe you must see Egypt! 
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