Напиши к утвердительным предложениям вопросы и отрицания в past simple. (не ставь в поля ответов точки и знаки вопроса; чтобы поставить апостроф (didn't) нажми клавишу с буквой "э" когда клавиатура на раскладке.) пример: he loved her. did he love her? he didn't love her. 1) he washed his car. ? . 2) she went to school. ? . 3) they played in the garden. ? .

batya757757 batya757757    1   19.06.2019 03:30    0

staylent staylent  15.07.2020 14:20
Did he wash his car?
he didn`t wash his car

did she go to school?
she didn`t go to school

did they play in the garden?
they didn`t play in the garden
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