написать текст you are on holiday in a country with different customs and traditions to those in your home country. On a separate sheet write a letter to your friend

владосик13 владосик13    1   10.06.2020 16:25    1

Nastyamil681 Nastyamil681  15.10.2020 13:38

Hi my dear friend,

  I`m in London now.  I have never been here before. I and my parents desided to spend our holidays in England. I`m going to practice my English.

  It`s very interesting here but something is unusual. I understand that every nation and every country has its own traditions. Today is Sunday/ We`are isitting in a small pab. You should know that mostly all shops are closed on weekend!  They say "please", "thank you" all the time! We have to be polite too. It`s a pitty but this way of behavior is not as in out country :( I think as many countries as many traditions!

  How `re you, my dear? Send me email, write about your plans for your future vocantion. I`ll try to write you different  information about English habits and traditions. Good luck!

See soon,



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