Написать о режиме дня на (можете свой режим, я переделаю) используя: 1. время суток. (in the morning и т.д. ) 2.наречия частотности. (never и т.д.) 3. обычные словосочетания (я встаю в 6: 00, иду есть и т.д. не мудрите).

murat121221 murat121221    3   21.08.2019 11:00    0

НикВероник1 НикВероник1  05.10.2020 09:10
I wake up early in the morning. I get up at 7 o'clock. I do my morning exercises and I never go jogging. I always go to the bath room and wash my face and brush my teeth. I brush my hair. Then I go to the kitchen and usually I have a sandwich and tea for breakfast. Then I dress up, take my bag, say goodbye to my mum and go to school. Sometimes I do to school along and usually I go to school with my friends. Lessons start at 8:30 am. I have lunch at school. Lessons finish at 2:00 pm. I usually have 6 lessons. I go home in the afternoon. I have a cup of tea. I do my homework and play with my friends. In the evening I go shopping. I have dinner, watch DVD or play computer games. I go bathroom and brush my teeth. I always go to bed at 9:00 pm and I never go to bed at 10:00.
fbnjvtlchenko fbnjvtlchenko  05.10.2020 09:10
I wake up at 6.00. In the morning .i go to the bathroom where i clean my teeth , wash my face and comb my hair. Then i go to the kitchen and have breakfast . After that i dress and go to school .i come home from school at 2 p.m and have dinner . Then i do my homework and have a shot rest .in the evening i usually go for a walk wash tv and play with my cat or dog. Sometimes i read books or talk my mam. On sundays i often help my mam about the house. I can clean my room wash up . I usually go to bed at 11 p.m. and fall asleep at once .
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