I. Spell and translate English equivalents of the following:
(первый) завтрак, каша, корнфлекс, бекон, тост, мармелад, сок, достаточный, пудинг, компот; основательная (еда), ростбиф, омлет, сосиски, сухое печенье.
II. Give the four forms of the following verbs:
eat, fry, roast, accompany, fill, bring.
III. Eexplain the meaning of the following phrases:
a full meal, plain food, a sociable time, a housekeeping budget, to go under various names, social standing.
IV. Explain the meaning of:
delicious (about food), layer-cake, oven, napkin, a big eater, done to a turn, seconds.
V. Give the Infinitive of:
overdone, spilt, upset, mashed, stewed.