Не совсем ясно про что. Но feedback то отзыв на что то или ответ When we are talking about when would like to say people about our opinion. The feedback is some kind result,answer which you do write and inform other side of that. You can say about your satisfactions (or not), why and what do you think about that. Feedback needs to get some information about activities belong to. To improve them, to make them better/worse depends on the goal and what you need to get from that activities.
When we are talking about when would like to say people about our opinion. The feedback is some kind result,answer which you do write and inform other side of that. You can say about your satisfactions (or not), why and what do you think about that. Feedback needs to get some information about activities belong to. To improve them, to make them better/worse depends on the goal and what you need to get from that activities.