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A stone circle is just what the name suggests: a group of stones in a circle. STAND
Stone circles throughout history, in different places and for different reasons.CONSTRUCT
in Britain, more than 1,000 circles still survive to this day. Perhaps the example is the world-famous Stonehenge. GOOD
It is thought that most stone circies places for people to live, but rather were probably used for ceremonies, social occasions or religious purposes.NOT BE
Early stone circles were made of earth or wood, but in constructions, stone was the main material. LATE
Some stone circles were 25 metres wide, but circles as wide as 400 metres were made as the builders more skilled or ambitious.GROW
The most recent circles, from around 1600 BC, are quite small, and were probably built by individual families for own private use. THEY
By 1500 BC, some circle building as society changed and religious practice moved in a different direction. STOP
Today, these silent monuments serve to remind of our ancestors and their mysterious ways. WE

Ntt1 Ntt1    1   19.03.2021 21:12    10

АааLoo АааLoo  19.03.2021 22:00

The stone circle is exactly what the name suggests: stand in a group of stones in a circle.

Stone circles throughout history, in different places and for different reasons.

In Britain, more than 1,000 circles have survived to this day. Perhaps the world-famous Stonehenge is a good example.

It is believed that most stone circuses are places where people live, but most likely were not used for ceremonies, social events or religious purposes.

Later stone circles were made of earth or wood, but in the designs stone was the main material.

Some stone circles were up to 25 meters wide, but circles up to 400 meters wide were made by more skilled or ambitious builders.

The most recent circles, dating from around 1600 BC, are quite small and were probably built by individual families for personal use.

By 1500 BC, some circles were being built as society changed and religious practice moved in a different direction.

Today, these silent monuments serve as a reminder of our planet.


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