надо ( сдать нужно ло )I. Complete the e-mails with the words from the box. hot sunny centre population places capital famous business tourists important world
I live in Madrid. It is the 1) of Spain. It is in the 2) of the country. It is a big city with a 3) of 3 million people. Madrid is very 4) and 5) in summer but it is cold in winter. There are lots of things to do and to go to.

I live in New York. It is one of the most 6) cities in the USA. It is also the 7) city. 8) come to see the skyscrapers. People come to see one of the most 9) statues in the 10): the Statue of Liberty
II. Read and choose the correct item to complete the sentences.
1. Listen! Who a song in the next room.
A are singing B is singing C sang
2. The pupils a story every day.
A are discussing B discussed C discuss
3. Jack is at the English lesson now. He to a dialogue.
A is listening B listens C was listening
4. We an experiment at the lesson yesterday.
A have done B do C did
5. We usually a lot of problems at the Maths lesson.
A solve B are solving c solves
6. you the poem by heart today?
A Did……. learn B Had ……. learnt C Have …….learnt
III. Put the verbs in the correct tense.
1. I can (to read) maps easily.
2. Ann (to be) good at writing modern songs.
3. She (to understand) and (to appreciate) music.
4. I am so busy I (to write) a science fiction story now.
5. When we (to enter), the children (to do) the experiments.
IV. Write a letter to your pen-friend about your school life:
- Your school and your favourite subjects;
- Things you like doing at school (don’t like doing);
- Your English lessons and the importance of learning English;
- Ask him/her about his/her school life.

смпанк2004 смпанк2004    1   06.05.2021 12:18    0

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