My favourite lesson at school скласти 7 речень

irisha190784 irisha190784    1   30.05.2023 19:32    0

nika270106 nika270106  30.05.2023 19:33

my favorite subject at school is English. there are several reasons why this is so. First of all, the teacher is very kind to us and involves us in the work in class. secondly, I am interested in learning a new language, new words and expressions. I also like to listen to something in a foreign language. so sometimes I can serve foreign music. and in general, all subjects at school are interesting

baryshevskayaam baryshevskayaam  30.05.2023 19:33

My favorite school subject is Mathematics. Our teacher is very kind and good. I am also good at math. But English is also not a bad lesson at school.


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