Snow Listening
Listen to the audio and number the speakers.
A. I like skiing holidays. I usually stay D. I like beach holidays. I usually go
at the hotel, go skiing and play in the to the beach, sunbathe and swim in
the sea.
B. I like sightseeing's. I usually stay
at the hotel, go sightseeing, take
photographs, visit museums, buy
E. I like safaris. I usually enjoy the
nature and take photographs.
souvenirs, send postcards and eat
local dish.
C. I like cruises. I usually sit by the F. I like walking holidays. I usually
pool, sunbathe, send postcards and stay in a tent, take photographs and
enjoy the nature.
Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Speaker 4 Speaker 5 Speaker 6​

13xaxa13 13xaxa13    3   10.02.2021 14:35    6

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