Mikayla Shears was riding her horse across the fields at the farm (0) _A_ she and her parents live in Australia last November, when she saw something very
strange on the ground. ‘At first I was afraid to touch it!’ she said. ‘I thought
something may jump out of it!’ It was a 22 kilo ball (26) of lots of different
metal parts.
Mikayla called her dad and he came in a truck and drove it back to the
farmhouse. People don’t drive hundreds of miles across the desert area to leave
a metal ball in the middle of a field. ‘It dropped from above!’ he said. ‘I was
sure of that!’
Mikayla’s father emailed a photo of the ball to the Planet Museum. He was told
that the ball was possibly part of a rocket. Two days earlier a rocket (27)
by American engineers to fly an American satellite into space to study the
sun. Most
of it (28)into the sea after the satellite was safely in space, but maybe this
part didn’t.
‘I know (29)about cows and sheep,’ Mikayla said, ‘but I don’t know
anything about rockets. I want to find (30)more about them now. Perhaps
I’ll be an astronaut one day!’

yuliyaduda11 yuliyaduda11    3   08.12.2021 18:49    5

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