Кто умеет сочинять диалоги на английском языке? словосочетания напишу​

50АлисА05 50АлисА05    2   30.03.2020 19:46    1

мариэтта3027 мариэтта3027  12.10.2020 09:46

knock on the door.

V-Hi Masha. How are you?

M-Hello, Vlad. Good, and you?

V-Me too.

M-Come on in. Make yourself at home.

V-Masha, I have a proposal for you. Lets'go to Cafe?

M-Sorry, I won’t be able to. I'm overwhelmed with business. Let's do it next time?

V-Nothing, change your plans a bit.

M-Okay, I'll go pack.

V-Oh, your clothes are too shabby. We are going to the cafe.

M-I will change quickly then.

V-waiting for

M-How warm it is on the street, but why are we walking along a street which is built up with wretched Ho use?

V-So the road is closer. We came, what will you order?

M-chocolate ice cream, and you?

V-and I'm vanilla.

M-mm, delicious. can we exchange tastes?

V-great ice cream, by the way.

M-maybe let's go for a walk?

V-come on, there's a walk nearby

M-fine, wow, look at that shabby house.

V-True, it has long been built.

M-look, there’s a bench, let's go sit

V-with pleasure

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