Make up sentences from these words and wordcombinations.write them down. 1.never/been/rhe children/to/the circus/have 2.we/room/done/already/our/have 3.have/just/their/they/begun/homework/doing 4.never/i/swum/have/the ocean/in 5.hasn't/nick/back/given/dictionary/my 6.cousin/become/my/has/an engineer watterson/written/new/book/a/has

LizaPetukhova LizaPetukhova    3   11.08.2019 21:00    4

valeriaovsiann valeriaovsiann  31.08.2020 14:02
 1 the children have never been to the circus
2 we have already done our room
3 they have just begun doing their homework
4 i 've never swum in the ocean
5 nick hasn t ggiven back my dictionary
6 my cousin has become an engineer
7 mr has already written a new book
gushagusha gushagusha  31.08.2020 14:02
1.The children never have been to the circus.
2.We have done already our room.
3.They have just begun doing their homework.
4.I have never swum in the ocean.
5.Nick hasn`t given back my dictionary.
6.My cousin has become an engineer.
7.Mr Watterson has written a new book.
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