Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 6 классе
I. Выберите слово, которое по своему значению наиболее подходит к выделенному:
1) a NEPHEW a) neighbor b) sister’s son c) brother’s daughter d) boy
2) ZOO a) a park b) a Wild Animals’ Park c) a Zoological Society
3) NOVEL a) poem b) joke c) book d) song
II. Выберите глагол в нужной форме:
1) My little sister … to be a lawyer.
a) goes b) are going c) is going
2) Look! They … a new youth magazine.
a) are reading b) read c) are going to
3) Last August my dad and I … abroad.
a) go b) will go c) went
III. Выберите и вставьте слово, подходящее по смыслу:
1) Look at our … ! There are a lot of new subjects.
a) paper b) uniform c) timetable d) textbook
2) How many … languages do you learn at school?
a) interesting b) foreign c) easy d) heavy
3) What … of people are they?
a) king b) character c) lot d) kind
IV. Прочитайте текст и закончите предложение:
Vets Animals are very important to people. We keep dogs and cats as pets. Some farmers have sheep and cows to produce meat and milk. We ride horses. We watch lions and tigers at the circus. For people who love animals, working as a veterinarian is an ideal job. Veterinarians, or vets, treat many kinds of animals such as dogs, cats, guinea pigs, cows, pigs and horses. Some vets even treat zoo animals such as tigers and giraffes. Vets have to be careful when they treat sick animals. Vets also learn how to treat animals so that neither the vet nor the animal gets hurt.
1. Vets can treat …
2. Vets should be …
3. Vets also treat …

AlexxP AlexxP    1   20.05.2020 10:21    4

warfacegamer01 warfacegamer01  14.09.2020 16:51






1)is going

2)are reading







1)vets treat many kinds of animals such as dogs,cats, guinea pigs, cows, pigs and horses

2) Vets have to be careful when they treat sick animals.

3)Vets also learn how to treat animals so that neither the vet nor the animal gets hurt.

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