как читаеться Dear Miguel, Hi! I'm Bill Phelps and I'm thirteen years old. I'm from Sydney, Australia. Here is a photo of my family and our relatives. My parents' names are Sue and Sam. My dad is short with dark hair. My mum is tall with short, fair hair. I haven't got a brother but I've got two sisters. They're twins. Their names are Kim and Kate and they're eight years old. Mike is my father's brother. He's a doctor and he's married to Janet. They've got two children,Johnny and Gi//.Tom and Beth are my grandparents.They are in their late sixties. Well, that's all about me and my family. Please write soon and tell me about your family. Send a picture, too. Bye for now, Bill

PRIL82 PRIL82    3   04.09.2020 04:17    2

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