Join the following pairs of sentences, using the expression neither ... nor.

Example: I won't come to school on Tuesday. Probably I won't come to school on Wednesday.

I shall come to school neither on Tues day, nor on Wednesday. 1) My friend cannot attend the meeting. I can't

attend it either. 2) Father doesn't like movies. He doesn't like T.V.

either. 3) My friend doesn't like his book. I don't like it

either. 4) I can't play chess. My mother can't play chess either.

5) I wasn't in when you came to visit me. My sister wasn't in either.
6) It won't rain tomorrow. Probably it won't rain the day after tomorrow.

31. Translate the following sentences into English.

1) Я не бывал ни в Киеве, ни в Минске.

2) Летом мы поедем на юг или на поезде, или

на самолете. 3) Он не пришел в школу: либо он заболел,

либо что-то случилось с ним. 4) Ни мой друг, ни я не знали этого человека.

5) Ни моя сестра, ни я не умеем плавать.

6) Или пьеса была скучной, или актеры играли плохо, было неинтересно.

7) Полиция искала его повсюду. Но ни дома, ни на работе его не нашли.

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