Измените высказывания на косвенную речь. Change into reported speech. Пример: 1. “Laugh at all you trembled at before.” (William Cowper / advise) William Cowper advised to laugh at all you trembled at before.
2. “Always do what you are afraid to do.” (Ralf Emerson / suggest)
3. “Never take anything for granted.” (Benjamin Disraeli / warn)
4. “Don’t worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight.” (Benjamin Franklin / tell)
5. “Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers.” (Elbert Hubbard / insist)

pupil80022225 pupil80022225    3   28.06.2020 16:12    33

anastasiyademy1 anastasiyademy1  24.08.2020 23:43

Ralf Emerson suggested to do what you are afraid to do.

Benjamin Disraeli warned never to take anything for granted.

Benjamin Franklin told not to worry about what may never happen.

Elbert Hubbard insisted to judge a man by his questions rather than his answers.

Объяснение: всё по примеру, как ты указал.

William Cowper advised to laugh at all you trembled at before.

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