Кричу вам большой ! переделать предложения в косвенную речь! 1) john says: i like candies very much. 2) she says: john will do his homework tomorrow. 3) the teacher says: learn this poem by heart 4) mother says: don*t play computer games! 5) they ask: do you like to play snowballs? 6) bob asks: will you wait for me? 7) jane asks: where is wales situated? 8) she asks: who broke the chair ? 9) bob asks: why will it be possible?

guast1 guast1    3   22.07.2019 18:10    3

irochkakarpenkp0bint irochkakarpenkp0bint  13.08.2020 21:06
1.John says that he likes candies very much .
2.She says that John will do his homework tomorrow.
3.The teacher says to learn this poem by heart.
4.Mother says not to play computer games .
5.They ask if we (I ) like to play snowballs.
6.Bob asks if i will wait for him .
7.Jane asks where Whales is situated.
8.She asks who broke the chair.
9.Bob asks why it will be possible.
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