I Underline the correct option, using one of Past Tenses

1) The police arrested three men who robbed / were robbing a bank in the High Street.
2) Did you arrive / Were you arriving at the airport on time?
3) He had studied / had been studying all night and was exhausted.
4) When she got paid, Julie realized that her boss gave / had given her a pay rise.
5) Nicole was closing / closed the windows, was setting / set the alarm and was leaving / left the house.
6) The lawnmower was breaking / broke down while Steve was mowing / mowed the lawn.
7) They had travelled / had been travelling for 6 hours before they reached their destination.
8) I walked / was walking on the beach in Bali this time last week.
9) By the time Samuel had entered/ entered the house, the phone stopped / had stopped ringing.
10) How long is it since you moved / had moved here?

II Put the verbs in brackets into the correct Past tense

1) Leslie (call) to tell me she (leave) her purse at home.
2) Andrea (practice) the piano every day for six months before she (enter) the competition.
3) The children (be) sad because they (lose) their dog.
4) Ann (drop) two cups while she (wash up) last night, but neither of the cups (break).
5) I (finish) my work by afternoon and (sit) quietly in my armchair, thinking of the days that (pass) by.
6) Keri (be) angry. She (wait) for Peter for two hours.
7) you (have) enough to eat at the party? Yes. Sarah (make) a lot of food before.
8) What you (do) at eight o’clock last night? I (watch) TV. Why?
9) I (already/eat) breakfast by the time the others (wake up).
10) It (snow) for three days when suddenly the sun (come out).

III Complete the sentences by putting the words and phrases in the correct order

E.g. abroad/travel/two hundred/used to/by ship/
People used to travel abroad by ship two hundred years ago.

1) The film/I/didn’t want/already seen/to watch/because/had/
I it five times.
2) On the train/yesterday/sitting/at this time/was/
He morning.
3) All day/were/had been/and/the roads/raining/
It very wet.
4) Read/the present/and/opened/
Pam the card.
5) Adam/was painting/was gardening/while/
Lucy the kitchen.

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