I. Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужном времени.
1 If the young man (not, smell) the smoke, the family wouldn´t have got out of house in time.
2 Tell Robbie to bring the camping equipment if you (speak) to him.
3 I (not, have) so many problems if had prepared ahead of time for my trip.
4 You (get) the colour green if you mix the colours blue and yellow.
5 If I were you, I (take) an emergency kit (комплект) on holiday.
6 When I go to Venice next year, I (attend) the Carnival.
7 The sculpting lesson (cancel) if the teacher is still ill.
8 If I had more time, I (join) the gym.

II. Напишите 3 типа условных предложений.
1 If I (get) a ticket, I (go) to the Philarmonic.

III. Выберите верный вариант.
1 I (do) the same if I (be) in your shoes.
A. would do
D. Am
B. will do
E. Were
C. would have done
F. Will be
2 Hurry up! We (not, get) good seats if we (arrive) late.
A. don’t get
D. Arrived
B. won’t get
E. Will arrive
C. didn’t get
F. Arrive
3 Would it be all right if I (come) round at about six.
A. come B. Came C. Will come

Msrisel Msrisel    1   18.04.2020 14:18    2

89000566004 89000566004  18.04.2020 14:30

1 not smells

2 speaking

3 not have

4 getting

5 taking

6 attended

7 cancels

8 joining

II я не знаю





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