Hi Alison, How’s everything going? Sorry I haven’t written for a while, e.g. but I’ve been studying for my university exams, and you know how busy that keeps you! Anyway, I got your email, and I’m thrilled that you 36) …. to stay with me for a few days! I know that one of the things you love about my city is the shopping, so let me tell you about a 37)…… places I’ve discovered. First of all, forget about the shopping mall! There’s 38) …. fantastic flea market, just a ten-minute bus ride from my house, where you’ll find the most amazing things at unbelievably good 39) ……. I’m sure you’ll love the colourful atmosphere and the loud street vendors calling out to you to take a look at their 40) …. Another place we can do our shopping, as well as do something for 41) ……., is the Oxfam store in the town centre. It mainly sells second-hand things, but they’re in very good condition and at bargain prices. The last time I went there, I ended up buying four books and five CDs! My brother says there’s a good car boot 42) …… on just outside of town every Sunday, but I haven’t been yet. We can go together, if you like! I’m sure you’ll fill your suitcases with 43) ….. of new things to take back home. But you should know that we can only pay 44) …… cash at these places, so leave your credit card behind! I’d better go now. I need to go to the 45) ….. to pick up my new reading glasses. See you soon, Anna

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